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National Context

7.1 The Government's Energy White Paper set a target that by 2010, 10% of the UK's electricity would be from zero carbon or carbon neutral sources with 20% by 2020. Renewable sources of energy include: wind, wave, tidal, hydro or solar power and biomass. Low carbon energy resources include combined heat and power systems.

7.2 The National Planning Policy Framework states that local planning authorities should design their policies to maximise renewable and low carbon energy development while ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed satisfactorily, including cumulative landscape and visual impacts.

Local Context

7.3 Hertfordshire County Council, in conjunction with the 10 Districts, commissioned the Hertfordshire Renewable Energy Study (2005) to assess how the County could meet the regional target for renewable energy. It found that if renewable energy targets are to be met, much of the energy will have to be produced by wind power. However, the Three Rivers area was not considered suitable for large-scale renewable energy involving wind; greater potential exists in North Hertfordshire and East Hertfordshire. However, the Study found that Hertfordshire as a whole has the technical potential to achieve a significant amount of renewable energy production by a number of other various means including Biomass, dedicated Combined Heat and Power facilities, Bio-diesel and Bio-ethanol.

7.4 In addition to the above, the Hertfordshire Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Study was completed in 2010 and looks at the mechanisms available to the County for delivery of renewable and low carbon energy opportunities. 

Further Guidance for Applicants

7.5 The Council encourages applicants to integrate the use of renewable energy technologies into their proposals and support the use of micro-renewables subject to and assessment of the potential impacts.

7.6 Applications for all major renewable energy proposals will need to be accompanied by a statement detailing:

  • The environmental effects of the development; and
  • Its benefits in terms of the amount of energy it is expected to generate; and
  • Any unavoidable damage that would be caused during installation, operation or decommissioning, and how this will be minimised and mitigated, or compensated for.

7.7 In all cases, the Council will expect redundant plant, building, apparatus and infrastructure to be removed and the site restored to its former state in order to mitigate any significant impact on the visual amenities of the area. Planning conditions may be used where appropriate.

DM5 Renewable Energy Developments

a) In considering proposals for large-scale renewable energy developments, assessment will take into account potential impacts on:

  1. Residential/workplace amenity
  2. The visual amenity of the local area, including landscape character
  3. Local natural resources, including air and water quality
  4. The natural, built and historic environments
  5. Biodiversity
  6. Public access to the countryside
  7. The openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt
  8. Other site constraints.

The Council will take into account the individual and cumulative impacts of applications for renewable energy developments on the above.

b) Micro-renewables
In considering proposals for micro-renewables (such as, but not limited to, micro-wind turbines and solar panels), assessment will be take into account the following potential impacts on:

  1. Residential/workplace amenity
  2. The character and visual amenity of the local area.
  3. The natural, built and historic environment
  4. The openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt
  5. Other site constraints.

Policy Links
National Policy  
(others may also be relevant)
National Planning Policy Framework
Related Core Strategy Policies   CP1: Overarching Policy on Sustainable Development
CP12: Design  of Development
Core Strategy Strategic Objective S1, S3

Further Guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents Sustainable Communities SPD
Design SPD 
Additional Information Hertfordshire Building Futures: http://www.hertslink.org/buildingfutures
Three Rivers District Council: Our Climate is Changing http://www.ourclimateischanging.com/

Reasoned Justification

7.8 The need to tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions, through the use of renewable energy is well established at national, regional and local levels. In considering proposals for renewable energy developments, large and small, Policy DM5 seeks to balance the beneficial outcomes of renewable energy and any adverse impacts produced by the development itself.

7.9 This policy will contribute directly to Core Strategy Objective 2 in terms of reducing energy consumption, promoting use of renewable energy and addressing climate change.

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