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19 Brimsdown Station Area

19.1 Introduction

19.1.1 Brimsdown Station is located on the eastern rail corridor, where there is a stark division between the character of the residential area to the west of the railway line and the Brimsdown Industrial area to the east. There is a cluster of retail and other uses (including the Izaak Walton pub) around the station, mostly to the west side. A bus terminus lies to the south-west off Green Street, which is the main connection to the A1010 Hertford Road.

19.1.2 Green Street crosses the railway line at a level crossing, joining the north-south Mollison Avenue at a very large road junction that allows for all traffic movements. Whilst there are pedestrian crossings, these do not link directly to entrances to the Brimsdown Industrial Estate and there is therefore no sense of arrival at the station. The level crossing is closed for approximately 40 minutes out of every hour and traffic is therefore frequently disrupted. Pedestrians can use the station underpass instead of waiting. However, this is a somewhat tortuous route and so many pedestrians prefer to wait. For those who do not know the area, the underpass is off-putting as it appears to provide access only to the station.

19.1.3 Streets to the west of the railway line are generally well defined by building frontages. However, the Ripmax building is set back and - together with the unattractive bus terminus - this part of Green Street is of low quality. The station is not visible when moving westwards along Green Street until one arrive at the level crossing itself. There is an opportunity to improve signage / create landmarks so that the station is more obvious.

19.1.4 Buildings to the east of the railway line are principally large industrial buildings that do not relate well to the street, being setback at odd angles and having blank frontages. The junction to Mollison Avenue is particularly weak, with low quality buildings set well back.

19.1.5 Land to the east of the railway line is at risk of flooding. Any future development will need to address the flood risk in line with higher level policy requirements.

19.1.6 If the proposed West Anglia Mainline Enhancements project results in the closure of the level crossing to all traffic, the area will change very significantly in the future. Transport connections will need to be improved. There is potentially a long-term opportunity to develop the area around the station as a result of West Anglia Mainline Enhancements - the frequency of services will be much improved, so improving accessibility for commuters.

19.1.7 The policies in this chapter consider both the shortterm future of Brimsdown Station with the level crossing remaining operational, and the longer-term future with the potential closure of the level crossing as a result of West Anglia Mainline Enhancements.

Key plan showing location of Brimsdown Station Area within overall NEE area

Policy Context for Chapter 19: Brimsdown Station Area

London Plan

Policy 6.2: Providing public transport capacity and safeguarding land for transport

Policy 6.9 Cycling

Policy 6.10 Walking

Policy 7.4 Local Character

Policy 7.4 Public Realm

Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area Planning Framework (July 2013)

Objective 7

Core Strategy (Adopted Nov 2010)

Policy 30: Maintaining and improving the quality of the built environment

Policy 40: North East Enfield

Adopted Development Management Document (November 2014)

Policy DMD37: Achieving high quality and design-led development

Policy DMD39: Design of business premises

Policy DMD40: Ground floor frontages

Other Sources

National Planning Policy Framework

National Planning Policy Guidance

Emerging Industrial Estates Strategy (PBA), 2013

Cycle Routes in Enfield, Oct 2013

Figure 19.1: Brimsdown Station Area- Key Issues

Figure 19.1: Brimsdown Station Area- Key Issues

Brimsdown Station Level Crossing

Policy 19.1: Brimsdown Station Area - short term

Develop a comprehensive street design scheme for the area west of the railway which - through public realm enhancements - helps to enhance local distinctiveness and contribute to an improved sense of security whilst still providing for traffic movements. This scheme should include:

  • comprehensive de-cluttering and tidy-up of the street by rationalising signage, road markings and street furniture;
  • improvements to the public realm and shopfronts on Green Street leading up to the station. Include new signage / public art on the corner of Green Street and Brimsdown Avenue to clearly announce the station; and
  • improvements to the bus terminus on Green Street, including removing overgrown vegetation, improving bus shelters and complementing the station signage / public art through a similar approach to mark the bus terminus.

For the area east of the railway line:

  • investigate ways of improving the pedestrian and cycle experience of crossing Mollison Avenue, so improving connections to the footpath on the east side of Mollison Avenue and onwards to the Brimsdown Industrial Estate;
  • improve existing green verges by ensuring that vegetation is kept trimmed so that sightlines are clear, making the environment feel safer for pedestrians;
  • encourage reconfiguration / redevelopment of employment uses to create a stronger, more attractive edge to Mollison Avenue and particularly to the junction with Green Street;
  • create a robust shared surface ‘square’ to the Jute Lane access, so that the parking outside the cafe is incorporated into an attractive defined area and the pedestrian environment is improved; and
  • investigate the potential to create a vehicular access tot he existing employment area to the west of the railway line from Dundee Way into Jute Lane. This would reduce traffic movements through the shared surface ‘square’ to the north and so enhance the pedestrian experience of this area.

Work with the train operator to improve the pedestrian underpass, making it clearer that this is not just for users of the station. Measures could be as simple as repainting to avoid the train operators corporate colours.

and seating

Project Ref



Investigate ways of improving pedestrian and cycle crossing of Mollison Avenue


Encourage reconfiguration / redevelopment of employment uses


Create a shared surface parking square


Improve public realm and shopfronts. Provide clearer signage to the station


Improve the bus terminus on Green Street

Figure 19.2: Brimsdown Station Area- Policy Principles: Short Term

Figure 19.2: Brimsdown Station Area- Policy Principles: Short Term

Policy 19.2: Brimsdown Station Area - long term

If the level crossing is closed as a result of West Anglia Mainline Enhancements it will change the area very significantly. The increased frequency of trains will make the area more attractive to commuters, and so potentially have a positive impact on employment development. There is an opportunity to create a strong ‘gateway’ to Brimsdown Industrial Estate through employment-led development to the east of the station by:

  • reconfiguring / redeveloping the existing employment area with high quality buildings to create positive frontages onto Mollison Avenue and an attractive street on Jute Lane, with a connection through to Dundee Way;
  • reclaiming highway land to create a landmark building on the north side of Green Street, overlooking and defi ning a reconfi gured left-in, left out junction onto Mollison Avenue;
  • creating shared surface station squares either side of the railway line incorporating an improved pedestrian/cycle crossing - this could be an improved underpass or a new bridge; and
  • developing a new station building in a more prominent position fronting onto the shared surface square.

The area to the west of the railway line should be improved in a similar way to as set out in Policy 19.1, that is the scheme should include:

  • comprehensive de-cluttering and tidy-up of the street by rationalising signage, road markings and street furniture;
  • improvements to the public realm and shopfronts on Green Street leading up to the station; and
  • improvements to the bus terminus on Green Street, including removing overgrown vegetation, improving bus shelters and complementing the station signage / public art through a similar approach to mark the bus terminus

The Council will produce a Planning Brief for the area incorporating the above principles.

New high quality employment buildings New high quality employment buildings

New high quality employment buildings could create a new ‘gateway’ to the wider Brimsdown Industrial Estate

Project Ref



Develop a new, more prominent station building. Create a shared surface station square with improved linkages for pedestrians and cyclists


Reconfigure / redevelop existing employment area


Improve public realm and shopfronts. Provide clearer signage to the station


Improve the bus terminus on Green Street

Figure 19.3: Brimsdown Station Area- Policy Principles: Long Term

Figure 19.3: Brimsdown Station Area- Policy Principles: Long Term

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