The Croydon Local Plan 2018 is broken down into 12 sections with a Glossary and other Appendices at the back. Section 1, the introduction, sets out the context and purpose of the Croydon Local Plan. Section 2 sets the scene and looks at the borough's historical context, demographic factors, the regional context and drivers for change. Section 3 lays out Croydon's overarching long term spatial vision, accompanying strategic objectives, the overarching Places of Croydon policy and the Key Diagram. Sections 4 to 10 set out the thematic strategies that will ensure delivery of the strategic objectives and realisation of the spatial vision. These sections start with a Strategic Policy and are then followed by a set of more Detailed Policies that provide further details as to how the thematic strategies will be delivered. A guide to the Strategic Policies and the Detailed Policies and how to use and interpret them can be found below. See below for more information on how to use and interpret these sections. Section 11 shows what Strategic Policies and Detailed Policies will mean for the 16 Places of Croydon, setting out the Places vision, summarising the opportunities and constraints and the changes that can be expected to take place up to 2036. This section also sets out Place Specific Policies and Detailed Proposals (sites that the Croydon Local Plan allocates for development) for each Place. A guide to the Place-Specific Policies and the Detailed Proposals and how to use and interpret them can be found below. Finally Section 12 explains how the policies proposed will be delivered. This is closely linked to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which in comprehensive detail outlines how infrastructure required to support the Strategic Policies will be delivered. This section also links to the Monitoring Framework for the Croydon Local Plan 2018 to measure the effectiveness of the policies.
Strategic Policies start with the prefix 'SP...'. These policies are broken down by a series of headings phrased as statements: 'Where we want to be', How we are going to get there' (this is where the strategy and policies are set out), 'What it will look like', and 'Why we have taken this approach'.
Where we want to be
This looks at the key issues and priorities; it articulates the issues and strategic objectives needed to contribute to the delivery of the overall spatial vision, Croydon's Sustainable Community Strategy priorities and the desired policy direction.
How we are going to get there
This sets out the proposed strategic policy for achieving the strategic objectives. These provide the strategic planning policies that provide the opportunity for the production of Neighbourhood Plans. This will enable communities to influence the planning of their Place, in conformity with Strategic Policies.
What it will look like
This shows the spatial elements of the strategic policy on a map.
Why we have taken this approach
Here we set out our reasoned justification for the policy citing evidence and rationale.
Detailed Policies start with the prefix 'DM...'. These policies are broken down by a series of headings that as follows:
For each Place of Croydon there is a vision, summarising the opportunities and constraints and the changes that can be expected to take place up to 2036.
This is followed by a Place-specific policy (prefixed with 'DM...' for which the following information is provided:
A guide to how the detailed proposals were identified can be found in Appendix 6 and a schedule containing further details of each site including indicative unit numbers and phasing can be found in Appendix 7.