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Chapter 4 The Vision for Mole Valley

The Spatial Vision

4.1 Taking into account the vision of the Community Plan, the provisions of national and regional planning policy and the views that were submitted in respect of the spatial vision and goals that were included in the preceding versions of the Core Strategy, the Council's spatial vision for Mole Valley is as follows:

The Vision

4.2 Mole Valley will make provision for its share of the Region's growth of homes and jobs and provide for the needs of its communities but in a way that is sustainable, minimises significant harmful change to its distinctive character, environment and feel, and mitigates its impact on the causes of climate change. The District's natural, built and historic environment will be safeguarded and enhanced and communities will have safe, convenient and sustainable access to the services and facilities they require.

4.3 This will be achieved by a commitment to accommodating development and growth in a way that is sustainable, safeguards the distinctive characteristics of the District's towns, villages and countryside which are enjoyed and appreciated by residents and visitors. Development will be principally directed to the most sustainable locations in the District's main built-up areas to take advantage of existing infrastructure and services and reduce the need to travel. Limited development will take place in some of the District's rural villages. If there is insufficient land in the built-up areas to meet the District's development needs, provision will be met by small scale extensions to the built-up areas following a review of the Green Belt boundary.

4.4 Provision will be made for at least 3,760 new dwellings by 2026 to meet the requirements of the South East Plan. A range of house sizes will be provided to met the community's requirements and the provision of affordable housing will be increased.

4.5 Existing high levels of economic prosperity and low levels of unemployment will be sustained and the requirements of businesses will be planned for in terms of providing a range, mix and quality of employment land and buildings in suitable locations principally in Dorking and Leatherhead. The change and evolution of the District's economy will be recognised and there is a challenge of creating a better match between the community's skills and the jobs in the District to foster a more sustainable community and to reduce the levels of in and out commuting. It is acknowledged that employment opportunities can be provided in many ways - through mixed use development for example - and not just through traditional employment uses. Alongside this approach, it will also be necessary to safeguard accessible and well located employment sites. Employment opportunities in the rural areas will be encouraged where they would help sustain local services, facilities and communities, and contribute to the management of the countryside.

4.6 Emphasis will be placed on improving the quality of life of the residents of those areas where it is not as high as other parts of the District.

4.7 The District's natural, built and historic environment and biodiversity and green infrastructure will be safeguarded and enhanced and new development will be accommodated to avoid prejudicing these attributes in a way that is sustainable, safe and accessible. The individual character of existing residential areas will be retained while accommodating some new development. The ecological footprint and contribution to climate change as a result of activity and development in the District will be reduced and new development will be located and designed with minimising flood risk in mind.

4.8 Provision will be made for facilities and services to be conveniently located and in place to meet the needs of the increasingly ageing population of the District as well as improving facilities for young people. Through working with partners, the efficient use of infrastructure will be sought, reduced demands on infrastructure will be encouraged through behavioural and additional capacity required where necessary to accommodate the impact of new development.

4.9 The private car is the principal means for getting about the District. This is not sustainable in the long term. Alternative transport modes will be supported and new development provided in sustainable locations where access is not solely dependent on use of the private car.

4.10 Dorking and Leatherhead's role as market towns providing retail and other services for the surrounding areas will be strengthened and provision will be made for additional retail floorspace to meet identified needs. Ashtead, Bookham and Fetcham will continue to provide a range of local shopping and other services for the day to day needs of their nearby communities.

4.11 Provision will be made for additional open space, sports and recreational facilities where there are deficiencies.

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